The following works by Daniel Winter
have been acknowledged as infringing, and have been withdrawn:
Printed Material:
The Alphabet of the Heart (Bound
and unbound book, various versions)
Sacred Geometry -- The Unified Field
The Interconnectedness of All Things
Physics of Consciousness
Feeling for Language, Anglish, Symmetry
& Oneness (Parts 1 and 2)
In-Phi-Knit Grail
Computer Media:
Animated Geometry: The Language of
Light (CD-ROM)
The Sacred Geometry CD
Various materials downloaded from Mr.
Daniel Winter's website and/or the website of the San Graal School, prior
to the issuance of the Court's Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and
Order, dated September 11, 1998.
Certain materials produced and/or presented
by Drunvalo Melchizadek, the Flower of Life organization, and/or its various
facilitators, have also been identified by examples attached to the Findings
of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order of the U.S. Federal District Court
at Rochester in re Tenen v. Winter, dated September 11, 1998, as containing
infringing material, produced without authorization and supplied by Mr.
Daniel Winter. Offending materials appear on some videotapes of the series
produced by Flower of Life and/or Mr. Melchizadek, and in the slide show
and slide show booklet that has been used in Flower of Life presentations
by Flower of Life facilitators. These materials consist of illustrations
of the "flame-letters," similar to those reproduced without authorization
in the Alphabet of the Heart. Explicit examples can be found in
the exhibits attached to the U.S. Federal Court's Findings of Fact, Conclusions
of Law, and Order in re Tenen v. Winter.
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